Friday, July 24, 2009

i'll take a break

i guess i will take a break from reading everyone else's blog and actually write on my own. do you ever look at your last post thinking you wrote it a few days ago yet the date reveals its been a good two weeks?? whoops!

this week has been busy. i have some serious respect for all those single moms out there (wes is in europe) women are amazing. for real.

"single mom" + teething, irratable toddler+ pregnancy + just getting home from a week of travel = me... pooped

what gets me through- the Lord, counting down to seeing Wes, waiting for Monday at 2pm to find out what gender baby #2 is, caleb's laugh, my wonderful, helpful sister and of course brand new jewelry!!!


Sara and Wade said...

Monday at 2 pm?!?! Already??!! I can't wait!!!!

Jami said...

ok...please don't wait 2 weeks to post the gender of baby church #2. i don't see cindy anymore so i'm not privy(sp?) to this info. other than on your blog. although i seriously have my hunch of what you're having (considering your husband's family) i can't wait to hear it from you!

TheBrookshires said...

Can't wait to find out! I think it is going to be another boy!!!